Dale Westby wrote:
> I'm trying to get VNC working with a laptop (Win98) and two Solaris boxes.
> Basically I want to run vncviewer on one of the boxes (Solaris) to access
> the vncservers on both the Win98 box and the second Solaris box. Actually it
> doesn't matter if I'm running vncviewer or the Java viewer because the
> problem I'm running into is the same...
> I've had success getting vncviewer to display and access my Win98 desktop
> but not the Solaris vncserver. I don't really understand what the vncserver
> script is supposed to do, therefore, I may have the box (Solaris) running
> the vncserver set up incorrectly with respect to X.
> When I connect to the server via a browser or vncviewer, I only see a black
> screen where I expect to see the desktop.
> The Solaris server is running Openwindows (CDE version 1.2) and that is the
> part I don't understand. Is VNC basically for use with a headless server
> that isn't running a window manager or does it coexist with the window
> manager that is already in place. I only ask this because I think the
> vncserver script tries to launch a window manager.
> I've read the FAQ, etc. but still don't really know how to set this up.
> thanks,
> Dale
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Many peole got the same problems trying to obtain the same behaviour
from winvnc and vncserver.
Especially myself at the beginning
Not being a specialist at all but having succeeded to get the two
working I think I can try to explain with everybody's and the less
technical as possible words ... and in bad English too !!! 8<)
Winvnc first :
The Windows vnc server uses an already existing and visible "screen"
of a PC , so it can be started at any time , it gives a mirrored image
of that screen by sending incremental updates to its clients.
Simple : this works at once.
Vncserver :
The Unix vncserver creates for its own needs a locally invisible and
"virtual" (or "software") screen ( a X11 server ). As soon as it starts
, it executes at once ( even if no client is connected on this server )
the "xstartup" script.
The xstartup script can contain the start of a window manager and the
start of a Xterm or anything else ( at the very beginning let only the
Xterm to get something very simple working ).
I repeat : the script starts at once and the "virtual" screen exists
also at once : so you can see the messages in the log file machine:1.log
to check if something went wrong at this stage.
You can put anything else in the xstartup script : start a CDE
session , start any X application (including a vncviewer!).
When you connect on this server : you see now really this screen and
can use it , when you disconnect : the screen still exists on the
server's side and when you connect back you find it exactly in the state
you left it.
Provided that you connect with -shared ( or protect your server using
the -alwayshared argument) you can connect several clients (MANY clients
: this is very strong with Unix) .
In a few words ; you can only see this screen by connecting on it via
a client.
I think thers is a special version which is near the behaviour of
Winvnc : deep into contributed pages and in FAQ.
Congratulations !!! : you suceeded in reading this text up to the end
without falling asleep.
I suggest also that the Unix vncserver could be a little more explained
in the starting documentation because even people knowing Unix have
problems to figure out how this works at the very beginning.
Best Regards
VNC is a very very good tool and thanks to all people taking care of it
Jean-Marie Theis
miprise l'argent.
Surtout la petite monnaie
Jean-Marie Theis
Association EURATOM-CEA sur la Fusion
DRFC/STEP - Exploitation informatique
Bt. 506
F-13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance Cedex, France
Til.(phone) : 33 (0)4 42 25 77 21
Fax : 33 (0)4 42 25 26 61
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See also: http://www.uk.research.att.com/vnc/intouch.html