Rolf Ahrenberg wrote:

> Could you start a new project for ttxtsubs-plugin?

I've asked Ragnar and he is perfectly fine with moving the project to a
new place. He also had some comments I've added as bug reports to the project:

The project is available here:

And the public GIT is:


If you want to have write access to the repository, please register at and create a bug report in "Project Management"
with your public SSH-Key added.

I would like to manage the VDR patch with Git as well, but I'm not sure
yet, how to do this. I don't see way to do this in the same repository as
the ttxtsubs plugin, so the only way may be to manage it as a branch in
the VDR Git Tree project. (I don't want to create a separate repository
just for tracking the ttxtsubs plugin)

Maybe a separate "VDR-Patches" project would be a good Idea. This would
keep the VDR GIT-Tree repository clean.

> The patch is huge and 
> the original plugin author has abandoned the whole VDR thing as far as 

I've imported the history from 0.0.1 to 0.0.5 into the git tree and
applied your patch on top of it.


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