
Am Freitag, 12. Dezember 2008 schrieb Tobi:
> Hello!
> projects.vdr-developer.org is a place for community maintained VDR
> projects. The idea for this was born out of a survey conducted among VDR
> users, where it turned out, that even some VDR plug-ins that haven't been
> updated for years are still very popular.
> [...]
> Read more about this here:
> http://projects.vdr-developer.org
> http://projects.vdr-developer.org/wiki/project-management/Start

Great to see this announced!

Since I support Tobis initiative I decided to host the following two projects 
on projects.vdr-developer.org too.

1. The vdr-sources git tree (Maintained by skiller2k1 and me)
2. The LIVE plugin git tree (Maintained by Christian Wieninger and me) (*)

I think it was a good decision to use git as the central SCM system for this 
because it supports a patch driven development modell very well.

Dieter (Tadi on vdr-portal.de)

(*) The old LIVE plugin CVS is still alive, will be updated regularly and will 
remain at its current hosting.

Dieter Hametner                    dh (plus) vdr (at) gekrumbel (dot) de
live plugin developer              http://live.vdr-developer.org

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