On Friday 12 December 2008 01:43:26 Tobi wrote:
> The main goal for this is, to be a community effort to continue the
> development of such orphaned VDR plug-ins and give them a new home.

This sounds interesting. I'm maintaining the tvonscreen plugin for Fedora and 
tvonscreen has not had any releases for quite a while. I've contacted the 
developer via e-mail, in case he's not interested in tvonscreen development 
anymore (or too busy or something), maybe we could set up a project for 
tvonscreen as well.

Currently the Fedora package is carrying 02_tvonscreen-1.0-fixes.dpatch from 
e-tobi, tvonscreen-1.0.141-1.5.3.diff from toms-cafe.de and 
tvonscreen-1.0.141-i18n-1.6.patch from Mandriva (by Anssi Hannula). It would 
be interesting to merge these (and maybe some other patches people have 
written) to a new source code tree, maybe try to get some new translations and 
eventually even do new releases.

Ville-Pekka Vainio

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