Rolf Ahrenberg wrote:

> Could you start a new project for ttxtsubs-plugin? The patch is huge and 
> the original plugin author has abandoned the whole VDR thing as far as 
> know.

Of course. ttxtsubs hasn't been updated for 4 years. I'll try to get an OK
from Ragnar, but will meanwhile create the project.

> I haven't been keen enough to provide a full changelog for 
> modifications (or even to use the plugin!), but I can dig out 
> contributors from my mail archives if required.

Would be nice if you could do this and maybe a short summarization of
some important changes.

> Anyway it could be a good idea to rename somehow these community forks 
> of plugins in order to differentiate them from the original ones: e.g.
> "osdteletext" -> "osdteletextcm", "ttxtsubs" -> "ttxtsubscm" 
> (cm=community maintained).

>From a Debian maintainers perspective, I wouldn't like such renamings very
much :-) As long as the original author officially released the project
(like it was done with OSDTeletext) I would definitly prefer to keep the
name. If there would be really a fork, so that there were two different
actively maintained development branches, then I would surely follow your


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