Hello everyone,

I'm currently stuck with creating a custom RFNoC bitfile with 
rfnoc_image_builder. I'm building the image for a USRP N310 and the software 
I'm using is the following:
     - Debian 12
     - Python 3.11.2
     - UHD
     - Vivado 2021.1 (installed with the additional patch)

The command I use to build the image is (I created the file 
n310_rfnoc_fosphor.yml myself):
     rfnoc_image_builder -F ~/uhd/fpga -y ~/core_yml/n310_rfnoc_fosphor.yml -t 

After an unsuccessful build, the image builder gets stuck with HLS:
     BUILDER: Building HLS IP addsub_hls
     BUILDER: Staging HLS IP in build directory...
     Waiting for concurrent IP build to finish... (1800s [Ctrl-C to proceed])

I was wondering if there was a way to skip the concurrent IP build, using 
Ctrl-C only causes the entire rfnoc_image_builder to exit unsuccessfully with:
     make: *** [Makefile:90: N3X0_IP] Interrupt

Waiting for the timeout after 1800 seconds throws the following error that I do 
not understand at all:
     source /tools/Xilinx/Vitis_HLS/2021.1/scripts/vitis_hls/hls.tcl -notrace
     can't read "zny": no such variable
          while executing
     "0Nyy-&ur-r$$!$-9-)n$ v t-n q- !$zny-%vz'yn&v! -v s!$zn&v! -zr%%ntr%-n$r-v 
"/tools/Xilinx/Vitis_HLS/2021.1/common/scripts/error_message.tcl" line 2)
           invoked from within

Additional info: before that, I had to upgrade two IP cores provided by UHD in 
Vivado manually because rfnoc_image_builder threw the error:
     CRITICAL WARNING: [filemgmt 20-1366] Unable to reset target(s) for the 
following file is locked:

I would be happy to hear any help or pointers to how I could solve this problem.

Thank you and regards
Luca Bachmaier

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