For experimental purpose I did something like you say.
Referring to usrp X300
1. add the reg variable to rfnoc_ce_default_inst_x300.v (or the relevant
file for your radio)
2. add to the noc _block module declaration an additional input port e.g.
module noc_test #(
parameter NOC_ID = 64'h1234_0000_0000_1234,
parameter STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE = 11,
parameter NUM_PORTS = 1)
input bus_clk, input bus_rst,
input ce_clk, input ce_rst,
input [63:0] my_new_port, <---- EXAMPLE, this is my new port
input [63:0] i_tdata, input i_tlast, input i_tvalid, output i_tready,
output [63:0] o_tdata, output o_tlast, output o_tvalid, input o_tready,
output [63:0] debug
3. inside rfnoc_ce_default_inst_x300.v (or the relevant file for your
radio) connect the reg variable with the
new port on the noc_block
4. Now you can manage the (shared) reg variable from inside the noc block.
Hope this can be of some help.
Have a good day,
On 7/31/22 17:52, sp wrote:
How can I define a global reg variable in Verilog between RFNOC blocks?
I developed two RFNOC blocks: RFNOC block A, and RFNOC block B
How can define a reg variable that shares between RFNOC blocks in USRP?
Can anyone guide me?
I study about global reg variable in the Verilog module, see below
link, but I can not do it for RFNOC blocks...
How can implement this mechanism in RFNOC blocks
Thanks in advance
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