Yes, bus_clk is connected to rfnoc_chdr_clk in the RFNoC framework.So in
the YAML it is called "rfnoc_chdr".


On Wed, Jun 1, 2022 at 3:41 AM Maria Muñoz <> wrote:

> Hi Wade,
> Thanks for the answer. So "rfnoc_chdr" in the yml file is "bus_clk"?
> In the report timing summary, I see many clocks but there is no
> "rfnoc_chdr", maybe is linked somewhere else in the framework?:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> | Clock Summary
> | -------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Clock
>      Waveform(ns)    Period(ns)   Frequency(MHz)
> -----
>          ------------               ----------      --------------
>  {0.000 2.500}        5.000           200.000
>  {0.000 2.500}        5.000           200.000
>  {0.000 4.000}        8.000           125.000
>                                                                    {0.000
> 4.000}        8.000           125.000
>   bus_clk
>      {0.000 2.667}        5.333           187.500
>   bus_clk_div2
>   {0.000 5.333}        10.667          93.750
>   ce_clk
>        {0.000 2.333}        4.667           214.286
>   clkfbout_pcie_clk_gen
> {0.000 4.000}        8.000           125.000
>   ioport2_clk
>     {0.000 4.000}        8.000           125.000
>     IoPort2Wrapperx/TxClockGenx/TxUseMmcm.ClkFbOutMmcm
>                                       {0.000 4.000}        8.000
> 125.000
>     IoPort2Wrapperx/TxClockGenx/TxUseMmcm.ClkOut0Mmcm
>                                       {0.000 2.000}        4.000
> 250.000
>       IoTxClock
>    {0.000 2.000}        4.000           250.000
>     IoPort2Wrapperx/TxClockGenx/TxUseMmcm.ClkOut1Mmcm
>                                       {0.000 4.000}        8.000
> 125.000
>   ioport2_idelay_ref_clk
> {0.000 2.500}        5.000           200.000
>   rio40_clk
>      {0.000 12.500}       25.000          40.000
>  {0.000 2.500}        5.000           200.000
>   CLK_OUT3_radio_clk_gen
>                                                                    {0.417
> 1.667}        2.500           400.000
>     DB0_DAC_DCI
>  {0.417 1.667}        2.500           400.000
>     DB1_DAC_DCI
>  {0.417 1.667}        2.500           400.000
>   clkfbout_radio_clk_gen
> {0.000 2.500}        5.000           200.000
>   radio_clk
>       {0.000 2.500}        5.000           200.000
>   radio_clk_2x
>     {-0.312 0.937}       2.500           400.000
> How do I know which clock of those is going to my design?
> Kind Regards,
> Maria
> El mar, 31 may 2022 a las 22:30, Wade Fife (<>)
> escribió:
>> Hi Maria,
>> You have the right idea. You should be able to change the srcport from
>> "ce" to "rfnoc_chdr" in the line for your block in the clk_domains section.
>> If that doesn't work, share your YML file and maybe someone can spot the
>> problem.
>> Wade
>> On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 3:47 AM Maria Muñoz <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have generated a custom RFNoC block with rfnocmodtool to be
>>> implemented on X310.
>>> I am using UHD 4.0. toolchain to synthesize it, but I cannot meet timing
>>> with the clock selected (in /icores/yml file, I have select "ce" as the clk
>>> source for my block).
>>> I see that "ce" clock for X310 is 214 MHz and I wondered if I could use
>>> a slower clock for my "ce" from the interface. In the clock reports, there
>>> is a "bus_clk" of 187.5 MHz, which I think is suitable for my design, but
>>> if I select "bus_clk" as clk source for my block in the yml file it gives
>>> an error message:
>>> [ERR] 1 unresolved clk domain(s)
>>> [ERR]     block0:ce
>>> [ERR] Please specify the clock(s) to connect
>>> It is possible to use "bus_clk" as the clock source for my block? Which
>>> files should I modify to use this clock?
>>> Kind Regards,
>>> Maria
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