On Tue, May 31, 2022 at 3:42 PM <ri28...@mit.edu> wrote:

> Hi,
> I’m playing around with frequency hopping on a USRP x310 with a UBX 160
> daughterboard. In particular, I want to hop to a few different frequencies
> that are integer multiples of my master clock rate and well within the
> daughtercard bandwidth rapidly (hopping every ~200 us). I know the hopping
> schedule well in advance, but as described in the timed command
> documentation (
> https://kb.ettus.com/Synchronizing_USRP_Events_Using_Timed_Commands_in_UHD)
> the default command queue depth is only 5 slots per IP core. Given that the
> Linux kernel scheduler uses a ~1ms jiffy, it’s rather difficult to send new
> timed command accurately when a queue slot is available. It would be much
> easier if I could batch up the tune commands.
> Is there a way for me to build a default X310 FPGA image but increase the
> DDC and DUC queue size? I have access to a Vivado license. Is there an
> example tutorial somewhere? Even better, are the DUC/DDC queue depths
> parametrized in the build scripts?

I think the 5 here in the CMD_FIFO_SIZE means 2^5 = 32 slots:


Though I am unsure how many words are written at a time for changing the
frequency.  It seems like just a single settings register, but maybe
there's more in the implementation?

Have you tried just writing out the frequencies you want to change and
seeing if you get automatic holdoff as the command FIFO fills up?

Either way, you should be able to just make that CMD_FIFO_SIZE deeper
(note: it's the log2, so 8 should be 256 deep).  Let us know how it works

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