Thanks Rob.

About versions, indeed I mean 2.7 (I think this was the old one) and now is 
3.8. The UHD version is the default one that comes with Ubuntu 18 LTS.
abusso@ttclabsdr:~$ uhd_usrp_probe --version
linux; GNU C++ version 7.3.0; Boost_106501; UHD_003.010.003.000-0-unknown

I can upgrade to the latest one, just to check if it works. The problem with 
GNU-Radio was that if GNU-Radio is not compiled with same UHD version from 
which the FPGA image has been taken, it does not work. This is why I had to 
change the image.

Concerning your 3 points, I confirm all of them

abusso@ttclabsdr:~$ uhd_image_loader --args "type=x300,addr=" 
linux; GNU C++ version 7.3.0; Boost_106501; UHD_003.010.003.000-0-unknown

Unit: USRP X310 (31D7872,
FPGA Image: /usr/share/uhd/images/usrp_x310_fpga_XG.bit
Error: RuntimeError: Device reported an error during initialization.

I will try to use the latest UHD to see what happens. And if it does not work, 
I will try to flash the 1G image as you suggested.

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