On 06/10/2020 04:46 PM, Lukas Haase via USRP-users wrote:
Just some additional info: I enabled the maximum possible debug on the host 
(UHD_LOG_CONSOLE_LEVEL=trace and debug_level = debug in .gnuradio/config.conf) 
and sent both versions to a file.
Again, the diff is identical!
(This debug contains the debug messages from gr-uhd but uhd itself does not 
seem to generate any debug/trace messages for timed commands).
You are free to add trace/debug messages in your local code-base, using the existing trace/debug framework within UHD to add more debug/trace info to the code base. It's nearly impossible for the devs of a code-base like this to anticipate all the debugging needs of the "clients" of the API, so the beauty of an open-source codebase like this is that trace/debug can be added fairly easily for situations that don't currently
  support the debugging of a specific class of problem.

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