Just some additional info: I enabled the maximum possible debug on the host 
(UHD_LOG_CONSOLE_LEVEL=trace and debug_level = debug in .gnuradio/config.conf) 
and sent both versions to a file.
Again, the diff is identical!
(This debug contains the debug messages from gr-uhd but uhd itself does not 
seem to generate any debug/trace messages for timed commands).

Is there a way to somehow report back to the host when the command queue 
overflows or a timed command could not be processed at the planned time (late 

According to 
https://kb.ettus.com/Synchronizing_USRP_Events_Using_Timed_Commands_in_UHD "An 
overflow of the command queue will result in a system halt and often requires a 
physical reset of the FPGA.".  This does not sound something that should just 
be silently dropped!

This works for data streams so shouldn't it work for timed commands too?

The USRP feels like a black box ... commands are being sent but I have no idea 
what happens inside or if they are even executed (except, of course, things are 
"not working")

> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 10. Juni 2020 um 02:30 Uhr
> Von: "Lukas Haase" <lukasha...@gmx.at>
> An: "USRP-userslists.ettus.com" <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
> Betreff: How to debug timed commands on FPGA side?
> Hello,
> Is there any (somewhat straight forward) way to debug timed commands on the 
> In particular, I want to know:
> 1.) if any timed command is not executed as timed command but right away 
> (because it had a timestamp but the command was late so it was executed right 
> away)
> 2.) if any command queue overruns
> 3.) Any other sort of information that causes timed commands to misbehave
> I use "tx_command" for USRP Sink to send timed commands. The "tx_command" 
> tags are injected with an embedded python block. I use "Tag Debug" and save 
> all tags to a text file. Works.
> Then, in exactly the same block diagram, I replace the embedded python block 
> with my C++ implementation that generates tags.
> Suddenly, some timed commands do not execute at the right moment any more 
> (these are just few and consistent across re-runs and reboots).
> However, the tags generated by boths blocks are absolutely IDENTICAL! A diff 
> between the "tx_command" outputs results in NO differences. Hence I need to 
> know what the FPGA actually processes in both cases.
> Thanks
> Lukas

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