I have very similar problem with X310. I am running a C++ application, so I have a bit more flexibility I guess. After I do the set_time_unknown_pps to sync to the 1PPS signal, I run the function get_time_last_pps and it sometimes has an offset of 10ns (it was 5ns for an old firmware due to a bug, which was fixed a few weeks ago). If that is the case I just do the sync again until the offset is zero. I don't know if it is an firmawre problem or if it is because the signal integrety of the 1PPS signal is not good enough.
Maybe that is also a solution for you.
Best regards,

Am 25.09.2019 um 11:16 schrieb Cherif Diouf via USRP-users:
I am working with the X310 USRP. I have two identical custom blocks feeding the RF frontends.

HW Block1 -> RF0-TX1 |---<
HW Block2 -> RF1-TX1 |---<

The system is synchronized to an external PPS reference. The sampling rate is 200 MSps and the signal bandwidth is 160 MHz for both channels. The two HW blocks start  transmitting at the exactly same time. Time resolution is 5ns. In most cases the two outgoing RF signals present a 1ns time offset. Which can be understood as a phase offset.

But From time to time there is a 6ns delay between the channels. I assume this 6ns comprises the 1ns delay due to phase offset + 5 ns delay due to misalignment of outgoing samples.

What could be the origin of this one sample misalignement? Is it a way to fix it? Or working close to the limits of the device should such behavior be expected?

Thanks in advance

Best Regards

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M.-Sc. Fabian Schwartau
Technische Universität Braunschweig
Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik
Schleinitzstr. 22
38106 Braunschweig

Tel.:   +49-(0)531-391-2017
Fax:    +49-(0)531-391-2045
Email:  fabian.schwar...@ihf.tu-bs.de
WWW:    http://www.tu-braunschweig.de/ihf

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