Here's a modified add-only block. You'll have to make a matching .xml descriptor and GRC block (if you're using gr-ettus).
Probably it would be a super useful thing to have an add/sub block, instead of an addsub block. A register-controlled mux to select which operation you want. I'll think about adding that to the Theseus Cores project. Nick On Fri, Sep 6, 2019 at 3:18 PM d.des via USRP-users <> wrote: > Nick- > Could you share the tricks to remove one of the output ports? I don't > I'm having similar issues with my modified addsub block and don't have > enough room on the e310 fpga for extra fifos. It's not obvious from the > noc_block_addsub code, the use of splitstream and dummy variables is > very confusing. > > Tnx, > Dave (and I'm sure many others, based on threads I've seen in searches) > > ________________________________ > From: Nick Foster <bistromath at> > Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 11:45:46 PM > To: Quadri,Adnan <adnan.quadri at> > Cc: usrp-users at <usrp-users at> > Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Addsub HLS Block Error > > That shouldn't be. Even if you connect both outputs to the host? > > I admit I got fed up with it in my own application (don't want both > streams going into the host) and just modified the addsub block to be > an add-only block. > > On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 8:43 PM Quadri,Adnan <adnan.quadri at ><mailto:adnan.quadri at>> wrote: > I tried connecting one Signal Source block to both the inputs of addsub > block. It still throws the same error. > > Adnan > ________________________________ > From: Nick Foster <bistromath at<mailto:bistromath at >>> > Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 11:40:05 PM > To: Quadri,Adnan <adnan.quadri at<mailto:adnan.quadri at >>> > Cc: usrp-users at<mailto:usrp-users at> > <usrp-users at<mailto:usrp-users at>> > Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Addsub HLS Block Error > > Oh, I see. You have separate sources connected to the same addsub > block. It's telling you that you need to use timed stream commands to > start the stream, or else you will see undefined behavior. Personally I > think that error should be demoted to a warning -- anyone from Ettus > want to chime in? > > On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 3:53 PM Quadri,Adnan <adnan.quadri at ><mailto:adnan.quadri at>> wrote: > Hello, > > Thank you for your prompt response. I have connected both the addsub > output to two QT Gui Sink but I still get the same error. I have the > Copy block in the middle as well. > > I am attaching a screenshot of my flowgraph. I tried with different > USRP sources/Signal Sources as well. But it is the same error. > > Thanks, > Adnan > > ________________________________ > From: Nick Foster <bistromath at<mailto:bistromath at >>> > Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 3:57 PM > To: Quadri,Adnan <adnan.quadri at<mailto:adnan.quadri at >>> > Cc: usrp-users at<mailto:usrp-users at> > <usrp-users at<mailto:usrp-users at>> > Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Addsub HLS Block Error > > I ran into this the other day and it's independent of the HLS component > of the addsub block (since the interface is identical). You need to > connect both outputs of the addsub block to something, even a null > sink. I'm pretty sure this wasn't the intended behavior and also pretty > sure that it wasn't like this last time I checked (which was more than > a year ago), so maybe it should be filed as a bug. > > Nick > > On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 1:48 PM Quadri,Adnan via USRP-users <usrp-users > at<mailto:usrp-users at>> wrote: > Hello, > > We are trying to run the RFNoC addsub HLS block. > > I was able to build the FPGA Image and made sure in the noc_block > verilog code to point to the HLS implementation for addsub block on > RFNoC as opposed to the verilog/VHDL implementation. > > But when we run the example Flowgraph with two signal source as input > to the two inputs for addsub block on GRC, we get the following error - > > ERROR: > thread[thread-per-block[4]: <block uhd_rfnoc_AddSub (1)>]: > RuntimeError: Invalid recv stream command - stream now on multiple > channels in a single streamer will fail to time align. > > Does this have anything to do with the C++ code for HLS implementation > or is it a problem at UHD level? > > Thanks, > Adnan > _______________________________________________ > USRP-users mailing list > USRP-users at<mailto:USRP-users at> >< > > > > -------------- next part -------------- > An HTML attachment was scrubbed... > URL: < > > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > USRP-users mailing list > > >
// // Copyright 2015 Ettus Research LLC // Copyright 2018 Ettus Research, a National Instruments Company // // SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later // `default_nettype none module noc_block_add #( parameter NOC_ID = 64'hADD1_0000_0000_0000, parameter STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE = 11) ( input wire bus_clk, input wire bus_rst, input wire ce_clk, input wire ce_rst, input wire [63:0] i_tdata, input wire i_tlast, input wire i_tvalid, output wire i_tready, output wire [63:0] o_tdata, output wire o_tlast, output wire o_tvalid, input wire o_tready, output wire [63:0] debug ); localparam MTU = 10; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // RFNoC Shell // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// wire [63:0] cmdout_tdata, ackin_tdata; wire cmdout_tlast, cmdout_tvalid, cmdout_tready, ackin_tlast, ackin_tvalid, ackin_tready; wire [127:0] str_sink_tdata; wire [1:0] str_sink_tlast, str_sink_tvalid, str_sink_tready; wire [63:0] str_src_tdata; wire str_src_tlast, str_src_tvalid, str_src_tready; wire [31:0] in_tdata[0:1]; wire [127:0] in_tuser[0:1]; wire [1:0] in_tlast, in_tvalid, in_tready; wire [31:0] out_tdata; wire [127:0] out_tuser; wire out_tlast, out_tvalid, out_tready; wire clear_tx_seqnum, clear_tx_seqnum_bclk; wire [15:0] src_sid[0:1], next_dst_sid; synchronizer #(.INITIAL_VAL(1'b0), .WIDTH(1)) clear_tx_sync_i ( .clk(bus_clk), .rst(1'b0), .in(clear_tx_seqnum), .out(clear_tx_seqnum_bclk)); // FIXME this needs an axi_wrapper, it talks 32bit data noc_shell #( .NOC_ID(NOC_ID), .STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE({2{STR_SINK_FIFOSIZE[7:0]}}), .MTU({2{MTU[7:0]}}), .INPUT_PORTS(2), .OUTPUT_PORTS(1)) noc_shell ( .bus_clk(bus_clk), .bus_rst(bus_rst), .i_tdata(i_tdata), .i_tlast(i_tlast), .i_tvalid(i_tvalid), .i_tready(i_tready), .o_tdata(o_tdata), .o_tlast(o_tlast), .o_tvalid(o_tvalid), .o_tready(o_tready), // Compute Engine Clock Domain .clk(ce_clk), .reset(ce_rst), // Control Sink .set_data(), .set_addr(), .set_stb(), .set_time(), .set_has_time(), .rb_stb(2'b11), .rb_data(128'd0), .rb_addr(), // Control Source .cmdout_tdata(cmdout_tdata), .cmdout_tlast(cmdout_tlast), .cmdout_tvalid(cmdout_tvalid), .cmdout_tready(cmdout_tready), .ackin_tdata(ackin_tdata), .ackin_tlast(ackin_tlast), .ackin_tvalid(ackin_tvalid), .ackin_tready(ackin_tready), // Stream Sink .str_sink_tdata(str_sink_tdata), .str_sink_tlast(str_sink_tlast), .str_sink_tvalid(str_sink_tvalid), .str_sink_tready(str_sink_tready), // Stream Source .str_src_tdata(str_src_tdata), .str_src_tlast(str_src_tlast), .str_src_tvalid(str_src_tvalid), .str_src_tready(str_src_tready), .clear_tx_seqnum(clear_tx_seqnum), .src_sid({src_sid[1],src_sid[0]}), .next_dst_sid(next_dst_sid), .resp_in_dst_sid(/* Unused */), .resp_out_dst_sid(/* Unused */), .debug(debug)); genvar i; generate for (i=0; i<2; i=i+1) chdr_deframer_2clk deframer ( .pkt_clk(bus_clk), .pkt_rst(bus_rst | clear_tx_seqnum_bclk), .samp_clk(ce_clk), .samp_rst(ce_rst | clear_tx_seqnum), .i_tdata(str_sink_tdata[i*64+63:i*64]), .i_tlast(str_sink_tlast[i]), .i_tvalid(str_sink_tvalid[i]), .i_tready(str_sink_tready[i]), .o_tdata(in_tdata[i]), .o_tuser(in_tuser[i]), .o_tlast(in_tlast[i]), .o_tvalid(in_tvalid[i]), .o_tready(in_tready[i])); endgenerate reg sof_in = 1'b1; always @(posedge ce_clk) begin if (ce_rst | clear_tx_seqnum) begin sof_in <= 1'b1; end if (in_tvalid[0] & in_tready[0]) begin if (in_tlast[0]) begin sof_in <= 1'b1; end else begin sof_in <= 1'b0; end end end wire header_fifo_i_tvalid = sof_in & in_tvalid[0] & in_tready[0]; reg [127:0] in_tuser_reg; always @(posedge ce_clk) begin if (ce_rst) begin in_tuser_reg <= 'b0; end else begin if (header_fifo_i_tvalid) begin in_tuser_reg <= in_tuser[0]; end end end assign out_tuser = { in_tuser_reg[127:96], src_sid[0], next_dst_sid, in_tuser_reg[63:0] }; addsub #(.WIDTH(16)) inst_addsub ( .clk(ce_clk), .reset(ce_rst), .i0_tdata(in_tdata[0]), .i0_tlast(in_tlast[0]), .i0_tvalid(in_tvalid[0]), .i0_tready(in_tready[0]), .i1_tdata(in_tdata[1]), .i1_tlast(in_tlast[1]), .i1_tvalid(in_tvalid[1]), .i1_tready(in_tready[1]), .sum_tdata(out_tdata), .sum_tlast(out_tlast), .sum_tvalid(out_tvalid), .sum_tready(out_tready), .diff_tready(out_tready)); chdr_framer_2clk #( .SIZE(MTU)) framer ( .pkt_clk(bus_clk), .pkt_rst(bus_rst | clear_tx_seqnum_bclk), .samp_clk(ce_clk), .samp_rst(ce_rst | clear_tx_seqnum), .i_tdata(out_tdata), .i_tuser(out_tuser), .i_tlast(out_tlast), .i_tvalid(out_tvalid), .i_tready(out_tready), .o_tdata(str_src_tdata), .o_tlast(str_src_tlast), .o_tvalid(str_src_tvalid), .o_tready(str_src_tready)); endmodule `default_nettype wire
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