Sorry, yes, you are correct, recent 
> On Jun 15, 2018, at 1:06 AM, TIMMEN Koen <koen.tim...@thalesaleniaspace.com> 
> wrote:
> Ian,
> Thank you for the clear explanation. 
> Luckily for me, I will not have to deal with bursts as I simple transmit I/Q 
> samples that fit into a single sample. By the way, they are generated 
> internally to the FPGA on a custom module.
> What you said about the radio is useful, however it raises a new question: 
> you said that the Radio block streams to the DUC stages.. but, as I 
> understand it you will need a separate DUC block for that correct? And 
> normally you place that block before a Radio Tx block? So then the order of 
> blocks will be Source à DUC à Radio. Or am I way off now?
> And you said that when I want a packet to contain a time value in the CHDR, I 
> will have to enable this on the host? I assume it should also be able to let 
> a custom rfnoc block do this internally to the USRP. In that way, I can 
> generate a sample and give it a time stamp I want it to be transmitted on and 
> then offload to the radio, which will handle timely transmission. 
> Thank you for your patience.
> Kind regards,
> Koen
> De : Ian Buckley [mailto:i...@ionconcepts.com <mailto:i...@ionconcepts.com>] 
> Envoyé : mercredi 13 juin 2018 20:18
> À : TIMMEN Koen
> Cc : Michael West; Neel Pandeya; usrp-users@lists.ettus.com 
> <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
> Objet : Re: [USRP-users] vita time
> Koen
> OK a few low level H/W and CHDR hints to help you along:
> “Time” when we talk about the H/W and how it’s implemented is a 64bit value 
> that counts in units of 1/master_clock_rate which for X310 is generally 5nS. 
> The reference for time is a 64bit counter that’s driven from a block called 
> “timekeeper.v” and you will see this time value passed around X310 generally 
> called “vita_time”.
> This counter can be set/reset via UHD API calls such as 
> “set_time”now/set_time_next_pps/set_time_unknown_pps”
> CHDR packets can optionally contain a 64bit time value as part of the header, 
> and a bit in the header indicates if the time field is present.
> When this field is present it represents an absolute time value for the first 
> sample in the packet.
> In general you will see time present in most CHDR packets, for example the 
> radio tags all RX samples with the time.
> From a transmit perspective, there is a stateful concept of “bursts”, that is 
> the radio can either be idle or actively transmitting. After startup the TX 
> Radio is in an idle state, and host software will generally use API calls to 
> adjust the absolute “vita_time” to closely track host time-of-day or exactly 
> track GPS time if it is available. When a sample packet arrives at the radio 
> with a time field inside, the radio compares this time value with the current 
> “vita_time” and providing that the packets time value is still in the 
> “future” will start buffering arriving sample packet data in order until the 
> time field of that first packet matches the “vita_time” as it advances. At 
> this point the state of the radio becomes active, and it will start streaming 
> de-packetized data into the DUC stages and hence out into the analog 
> transmitter. To leave the active state, ceasing transmission, and return to 
> the idle state, a bit in a CHDR packet header signals end-of-burst (EOB) and 
> the last sample in this packet shall represent a transition of radio state 
> back to idle.
> From the user application perspective then you need to annotate a time value 
> into your initial CHDR packet to the radio that is still “in the future” and 
> has a time delta from the current vita_time such that allowance is made for 
> that packet to arrive at the radio in a timely fashion. From then on your 
> application will need to generate CHDR packets at a rate that matches or 
> exceeds the sample rate. When you are done transmitting the last packet you 
> generate will have the EOB bit set. A lot of this functionality is presumably 
> already provided in the noc_shell to abstract you from the details, someone 
> else who is RFNoC conversant will need to comment on that mechanism though.
> -Ian
> On Jun 12, 2018, at 11:56 PM, TIMMEN Koen <koen.tim...@thalesaleniaspace.com 
> <mailto:koen.tim...@thalesaleniaspace.com>> wrote:
> Hello again,
> Thank you for answering my question. I do still have a few questions though.
> What do the timestamps in each packet serve for exactly? Are you talking 
> about the CHDR packets here? I saw that in the CHDR format ‘fractional time’ 
> was optional, but did not understand how to activate this option. I assumed 
> it would be handled internally in the AXI wrapper and NoC shell. But as I 
> understand now, one has to write his own code that adds this part of the 
> payload?
> My original plan was based on what you suggest as well, to make the time 
> available in a register and upon reaching some future start time, my block 
> will transmit the corresponding sample. However, this does not answer the 
> question of where to find the value to store inside the register and update 
> it as time actually progresses. Is it as simple as coding a counter and 
> counting the number of passed clock cycles? 
> Sorry if I seem to ask for the obvious, it’s all still relatively new to me.
> Kind regards,
> Koen
> De : Michael West [mailto:michael.w...@ettus.com 
> <mailto:michael.w...@ettus.com>] 
> Envoyé : lundi 11 juin 2018 23:59
> À : TIMMEN Koen
> Cc : Neel Pandeya; Ian Buckley (i...@ionconcepts.com 
> <mailto:i...@ionconcepts.com>); usrp-users@lists.ettus.com 
> <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
> Objet : Re: [USRP-users] vita time
> Hi Koen,
> The way to achieve what you want is to set the device time and then have your 
> signal generator put timestamps in each packet relative to that time.  To 
> tell your custom block what time to use, you can have a user register that 
> you also program with the time (or some future start time).
> Regards,
> Michael
> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 11:24 PM, TIMMEN Koen via USRP-users 
> <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:
> Hello,
> My block is a signal generator and each sample needs to be transmitted at an 
> accurately known instant. The samples themselves do not need to hold this 
> information. 
> The device I am using is the X310.
> What Neel Pandeya is suggesting sounds like exactly what I’m trying to do. 
> Thank you for your responses.
> Regards,
> Koen Timmen
> De : Neel Pandeya [mailto:neel.pand...@ettus.com 
> <mailto:to%3aneel.pand...@ettus.com>] 
> Envoyé : jeudi 7 juin 2018 06:14
> À : TIMMEN Koen
> Cc : usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
> Objet : Re: [USRP-users] vita time
> Hello Koen:
> As Ian requested, could you please provide additional detail on exactly what 
> you're trying to do?
> Are you merely trying to access the 64-bit FPGA VITA time from within the 
> RFNoC block?
> Which device are you using?
> --​Neel Pandeya
> On 5 June 2018 at 09:24, Ian Buckley via USRP-users 
> <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:
> Koen, 
> Can you expand a little on the functionality you need pls, its not fully 
> clear enough to me to make a suggestion.
> Are you trying to extract time from incoming samples or apply time to samples 
> you are processing?
> -Ian
> On Jun 5, 2018, at 7:36 AM, TIMMEN Koen via USRP-users 
> <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Currently I’m working on a RFNoC block that requires a known time reference, 
> but I have trouble making this value available. Ideally I would like to have 
> the value available in a register designated to the block.
> As I understand, a time reference is available through the CHDR, but.. not 
> all the time? It is optional I read in the manual. Is this a toggle that can 
> be set by the user?
> Or is there another way that I am able to obtain the device time reference 
> available in a user register?
> Kind regards,
> Koen
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