Editing the python file and pointing to the top OOT directory fixed the issue 
thank you.

From: EJ Kreinar <ejkrei...@gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 4, 2017 5:19:55 PM
To: Nicolas Cuervo
Cc: Avila, Jose A; usrp-users@lists.ettus.com
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] Error creating RFNoC FPGA image with OOT module

Hi Jose,

You've encountered a new feature of the uhd-fpga build process. If your OOT 
repo has a Makefile.inc, the uhd_image_builder.py script will point to those 
makefiles in the OOT repo. This is especially useful for synthesizing Xilinx IP 
or HLS cores. (See the Makefile.inc files here for a dummy example: 
https://github.com/ejk43/rfnoc-ootexample/tree/master/rfnoc) This is a feature 
that is (as of today, Oct 2017) not currently supported with rfnocmodtool, so 
it's somewhat "advanced", but we'd like to add this capability to rfnocmodtool 
soon :)

It looks like your noc_block_twochannelsiggen is just not getting found. This 
is probably an issue with the Makefiles in your OOT repo.

For example, this configuration might work:

1. <gnuradio-source>/rfnoc-siggench2/rfnoc/Makefile.inc:

include $(abspath $(RFNOC_SIGGEN2CH_DIR)/fpga-src/Makefile.inc)

2. <gnuradio-source>/rfnoc-siggench2/rfnoc/fpga-src/Makefile.inc:

RFNOC_SRCS += $(addprefix $(RFNOC_SIGGEN2CH_DIR)/fpga-src/, \
noc_block_twochannelsiggen.v \

A side note, it's important to use "<something> := $(OOT_DIR)" to define a 
unique variable that represent the out-of-tree directory-- this reads the value 
of the OOT_DIR immediately, rather than deferring evaluation until later, a 
nagging "feature" of the make process.

Of course, if you have no need of IP cores or HLS, you can happily delete all 
the Makefile.inc files in your repo and use the Makefile.srcs format that's 
supported via rfnocmodtool. Perhaps it's the easiest solution.


On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 4:52 PM, Nicolas Cuervo via USRP-users 
<usrp-users@lists.ettus.com<mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:
Hello Jose,

please try running the following:

    $ ./uhd_image_builder.py twochannelsiggen duc fft -I 
/home/joseavila/Documents/gnuradio_source/rfnoc-siggen2ch/ -d x310 -t 
X310_RFNOC_HG -m 6 --fill-with-fifos

which means pointing to the top OOT directory instead to directly the fpga-srcs 
directory. This small change was recently introduced and might be the source of 
your issue. I just modified the guide accordingly.

Also, there is a possibility that you will face another path problem that has 
already been fixed, but is yet to be pushed into the repository. To avoid it, 
before running the uhd_image_builder, please go into the uhd_image_builder.py 
file and modify the L239 from:

-                    curr_srcs = curr_srcs.replace('SOURCES_PATH', 
os.path.join(oot_path, 'rfnoc', 'fpga-src'))


+                    curr_srcs = curr_srcs.replace('SOURCES_PATH', 
os.path.join(oot_path, 'rfnoc', 'fpga-src', ''))

As said, this fix will be pushed soon, but for now you can avoid problems by 
doing it manually.

- Nicolas

On Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 9:21 PM, Avila, Jose A via USRP-users 
<usrp-users@lists.ettus.com<mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:

We are currently getting an error attempting to build a fpga image when running 
the following which points to the OOT module using the -I option

./uhd_image_builder.py twochannelsiggen duc fft -I 
/home/joseavila/Documents/gnuradio_source/rfnoc-siggen2ch/rfnoc/fpga-src/ -d 
x310 -t X310_RFNOC_HG -m 6 --fill-with-fifos

The testbench ran successfully but now the image builder is giving an error 
saying module noc_block_twochannelsiggen not found 

twochannelsiggen is the OOT module created with rfnocmodtool in the 
rfnoc-siggen2ch directory.  We tried editing the Makefile.OOT.inc in 
/…/top/x300 with the following two lines

OOT_DIR = /home/joseavila/Documents/gnuradio_source/rfnoc-siggen2ch/rfnoc

include $(OOT_DIR)/Makefile.inc

As well as editing the subsequent makefiles in the OOT rfnoc directory. We did 
notice that the Makefile.OOT.inc would get erased after running the image 
builder and it erroring out.  The following is the error encountered with the 
image builder

    Parameter my_addr bound to: 237 - type: integer

    Parameter awidth bound to: 8 - type: integer

    Parameter width bound to: 32 - type: integer

    Parameter at_reset bound to: 0 - type: integer

INFO: [Synth 8-256] done synthesizing module 'setting_reg__parameterized18' 

INFO: [Synth 8-256] done synthesizing module 'rx_frontend_gen3' (137#1) 

ERROR: [Synth 8-439] module 'noc_block_twochannelsiggen' not found 

ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'x300_core' 

ERROR: [Synth 8-285] failed synthesizing module 'x300' 


Finished RTL Elaboration : Time (s): cpu = 00:01:44 ; elapsed = 00:01:44 . 
Memory (MB): peak = 1351.676 ; gain = 517.594 ; free physical = 4123 ; free 
virtual = 14654


RTL Elaboration failed

INFO: [Common 17-83] Releasing license: Synthesis

552 Infos, 57 Warnings, 0 Critical Warnings and 4 Errors encountered.

synth_design failed

ERROR: [Common 17-69] Command failed: Synthesis failed - please see the console 
or run log file for details

INFO: [Common 17-206] Exiting Vivado at Mon Oct  2 15:23:15 2017...

make[1]: *** [bin] Error 1

make[1]: Leaving directory 

make: *** [X310_RFNOC_HG] Error 2

Thank you

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