Hi all, We have a standalone Solr instance and want to move to a Solr cluster. We don't have that many documents in our collection (about 80k) and are very happy with the performance of the standalone Solr instance. We have made some tests with the tool k6 and were surprised.
Solr standalone (Solr 9.6.1) : http_req_duration..............: avg=1.81ms min=1ms med=1.6ms max=238.55ms p(90)=2.27ms p(95)=2.69ms http_reqs......................: 31108 1032.228932/s Solr cluster (Solr 9.7.0): http_req_duration..............: avg=47.98ms min=7.93ms med=48.15ms max=85.51ms p(90)=51.95ms p(95)=53.09ms http_reqs......................: 1414 41.417403/s Both setups have * a collection with the same documents (about 80k). * JWT auth configured with the same IDP * 2GB memory (max heap) * max file descriptors 1048576 * operating system (Debian Linux 11.5) The Solr cluster has 3 nodes. The used collection is defined with 1 shard and 3 replicas. On the system of each Solr node is also one Zookeeper node. Can anybody explain me why the performance is so much worse in SolrCloud mode and how to improve the performance or where to look at? Thanks in advance. Mihael Mihael Schmidt Software Engineering Bauformat K?chen GmbH & Co. KG Kattwinkel 1 | 32584 L?hne | Deutschland Fon: +495732 102-379 Fax: +495732 102-300 Mail: mschm...@bauformat.de<mailto:mschm...@bauformat.de> Internet: www.bauformat.de<http://www.bauformat.de> [cid:Logo_BAUFORMAT_sw_130px_61b65919-4a79-4edc-a81a-8b84d76dc540.png] Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer: DE 124323068 - Steuer-Nr.: 310/5705/0461 / Finanzamt B?nde - Handelsregister Bad Oeynhausen HRA 1801 Komplement?rin: Bauformat K?chen Verwaltungs GmbH - Handelsregister Bad Oeynhausen HRB 1465 Gesch?ftsf?hrer: Michael Assner, Matthias Berens, Sabine Brockschnieder [cid:Email_Banner_baumannacademy_dVKH_0c40224c-a938-4563-bfe5-320a024e6fa3.jpg]<https://www.baumannacademy.com/anmelden> Wir erf?llen unsere Informationspflichten zum Datenschutz gem. Artt. 13-14 DS-GVO durch Ver?ffentlichung auf unserer Internetseite unter: www.bauformat.de/datenschutz<http://www.bauformat.de/datenschutz> oder durch Zusendung auf Ihre formlose Anfrage.