
We are seeing some weird issues with the Overseer ID which causes some
overseer election problems in our cluster.

Recently we have noticed that one of our Solr 8 clusters is having trouble
electing dedicated overseer hosts as leader. After some investigation, we
noticed that we are having "negative" Overseer ID (Overseer ID with leading

[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0] ls /overseer_elect/election
[-5188057493699159958-, -5260098076001480373-,
-6124715353171356222-, -6412935227404643144-,
-6557083032988176767-, -6701159159471144532-]

(the actual IP addresses are different from what pasted above)

Because of the leading dash in the Overseer ID, it causes the
LeaderElector.getNodeName() to return "5188057493699159958-
:8983_solr" instead "" causing quite a bit of issues.

Does anyone know why we started seeing a leading dash with the initial set
of digits in the Overseer ID? Who's generating that set of digits? Solr or
ZooKeeper? Is there a way to fix it?

A simple change to LeaderElector.NODE_NAME seems to be an easy fix. But
since there's no unit test around it, I'm a bit worried that it might break
somewhere else in the code.


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