
First, this performance (48ms) is not necessarily bad at all. Make sure when 
running tests, to start from the same state, newly started servers, and use the 
same test suite, running for the same duration, preferably 10+ minutes. Else 
various caches may play games with you.

There is very little overhead in SolrCloud when it comes to a 1-shard 
collection, it quickly delegates to the local index on the node receiving the 

Can you share how big the index is on disk and how much physical RAM you have 
on the server?
You do not reveal whether you query one of the replicas or attempt load 
You could consider benching a 1-node solrCloud cluster first to simplify it all.


> 3. des. 2024 kl. 12:48 skrev Schmidt, Mihael <mschm...@bauformat.de>:
> Hi all,
> We have a standalone Solr instance and want to move to a Solr cluster. We 
> don’t have that many documents in our collection (about 80k) and are very 
> happy with the performance of the standalone Solr instance. We have made some 
> tests with the tool k6 and were surprised.
> Solr standalone (Solr 9.6.1) :  
> http_req_duration..............: avg=1.81ms   min=1ms      med=1.6ms    
> max=238.55ms p(90)=2.27ms   p(95)=2.69ms
> http_reqs......................: 31108   1032.228932/s
> Solr cluster (Solr 9.7.0):
> http_req_duration..............: avg=47.98ms min=7.93ms  med=48.15ms 
> max=85.51ms  p(90)=51.95ms  p(95)=53.09ms
> http_reqs......................: 1414    41.417403/s
> Both setups have
> a collection with the same documents (about 80k).
> JWT auth configured with the same IDP
> 2GB memory (max heap)
> max file descriptors 1048576
> operating system (Debian Linux 11.5)
> The Solr cluster has 3 nodes. The used collection is defined with 1 shard and 
> 3 replicas. On the system of each Solr node is also one Zookeeper node.
> Can anybody explain me why the performance is so much worse in SolrCloud mode 
> and how to improve the performance or where to look at?
> Thanks in advance.
> Mihael
> Mihael Schmidt
> Software Engineering
> Bauformat Küchen GmbH & Co. KG
> Kattwinkel 1 | 32584 Löhne | Deutschland
> Fon: +495732 102-379
> Fax: +495732 102-300
> Mail: mschm...@bauformat.de <mailto:mschm...@bauformat.de>
> Internet: www.bauformat.de <http://www.bauformat.de/>
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> Geschäftsführer: Michael Assner, Matthias Berens, Sabine Brockschnieder
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