Am 17.12.2012 um 18:10 schrieb Fernando Cassia <>:

> On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 1:59 PM, Maurice Howe <> wrote:
>> Many of us have multiple USERIDs that we funnel into a single email account
>> so that we don't have to hop around to different log-ons.  Maybe *THAT*
>> could be a reason that UNSUBSCRIBE requests fail.  For example, "Maurice" is
>> a sub-account to my primary RoadRunner acct, "MHowe001" (which I almost
>> never use).
> Exactly, the reply has to come from the address you used to subscribe,
> NOT from the address where that secondary account ends into.
> That is easy to solve if you´re using a modern SMTP email client like
> Mozilla´s Thunderbird... just configure your secondary email account
> as a new pop3 acount on the program, but leave the pop3 server empty
> or with bogus info, but the smtp server with the right info (smtp
> server and username), the result is that you end up with an account
> setup on the program configured so that can it send email -using that
> secondary email address- correctly, but cannot receive it (the email
> ends up in your primary account anyway, you´re just configuring it on
> TBird for outbound messages only).
> For instance, I have a dozen different email addresses configured on
> TBird as "outbound only" (smtp server correctly configured, pop3
> server setup as 127.0.01 which never connects ;), while email
> addressed to all those accounts ends up in my ...
> Not sure if I made my point clear. It´s harder to explain it than to
> do it.... :)
> FC

With an IMAP server it is very easy too, with ThunderBird identities. There is 
a button "Identities…" at the lower right corner of the main account settings 
page. From there you can configure as many virtual identities as you need (one 
for each alias which routes mails to your account). When you compose a mail 
ThunderBird tries to guess the identity from which the mail will be sent or you 
have the choice to select one from the list. Each identity may have extra IMAP 
folders for SPAM, Sent, etc. which is pretty cool :-).

But for those who do not even know from which account they subscribed: Please 
display all header information for a line like this:

Return-Path: <>

You will see your mail address used when subscribing to the list (Sorry if that 
has been answered, but I did not follow the whole thread :-)…).

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

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