On Sat, Apr 19, 2014 at 10:07:11AM +0100, Ian Malone wrote:
> On 19 April 2014 04:31, Thomas Cameron <thomas.came...@camerontech.com> wrote:
> > On 04/15/2014 10:40 PM, Digimer wrote:
> >>
> >> Please don't do that. Fedora is awesome, but it's a desktop OS, not a
> >> server OS. The life cycle is way to short and it's not hardened like a
> >> server-focused distro. RHEL/CentOS would make a much better OS, and if
> >> you needed something newer than it offers, check the EPEL repo.
> >
> > Bull. It absolutely is QA'd and it absolutely is hardened. It is
> > protected by essentially the same or even newer security technologies as
> > Red Hat Enterprise Linux - SELinux, SSL, disk encryption, iptables, etc.
> >
> No firewall... ;) (for those following the devel list, for everyone
> else it *does* have a firewall. For the time being.)

I just read a few messages on the thread; this is utterly stupid!  I do
not understand why compromising security for "just works" feel is a
worthy idea.  In my experience, none of the "just works" scenarios
actually just works, there is always some minimal fiddling necessary.

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