On 04/15/2014 10:40 PM, Digimer wrote:
> Please don't do that. Fedora is awesome, but it's a desktop OS, not a
> server OS. The life cycle is way to short and it's not hardened like a
> server-focused distro. RHEL/CentOS would make a much better OS, and if
> you needed something newer than it offers, check the EPEL repo.

Bull. It absolutely is QA'd and it absolutely is hardened. It is
protected by essentially the same or even newer security technologies as
Red Hat Enterprise Linux - SELinux, SSL, disk encryption, iptables, etc.

The life cycle is short, sure, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
In fact, with everything moving more towards ephemeral (cloud)
computing, Fedora may actually have an *advantage* over RHEL for some
workloads. There is no distro which is perfect for all workloads, but
that does not mean that any distro automatically sucks for one workload.
The answer, as always, is "it depends."

Now, I will freely admit I'm biased towards RHEL, since it's what I do
for a living. I would absolutely recommend RHEL for production
workloads, but strictly because of the support SLAs and longevity - not
quality of code. But this claptrap about Fedora not being good on a
server is pure rubbish. Stop denigrating the distro, as it is clear that
you know not of what you speak.


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