On Fri, 18 Apr 2014, Sudhir Khanger wrote:

Would you recommend using something like Ubuntu instead of Fedora for work 
related system?

I moved from Ubuntu to Arch to Fedora. Fedora provides both latest innovations 
in Linux world and ease of use over something like Arch Linux.

I have recently started learning Java/Android. That means I need to focus more 
on learning Android and least on how to get something working on Fedora or
fixing breakage that comes from flux of upgrades (Example -A bug that left 
Gnome users locked out and Bumblebee, VirtualBox may require special assistance 
the time of kernel upgrade). Not to mention Google recommends Ubuntu for 
Android  development.

Wondering what other folks have experienced.

No, I'd recommend CentOS or RHEL for a stable server.  I don't have much against Ubuntu, but I like 
the "look and feel" of the Red Hat-related families.  Since you migrated, you know that 
these different distros often put little things in different places, and from an admin perspective 
I don't like to have to keep asking myself stuff like "Should I write this script to grep 
through /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog for this distro?"  I do a lot of scripting, and 
moving from yum to apt-get, etc. is not work the effort of modifying my scripts and such -- unless 
I have a good reason to...

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