On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 2:43 AM, Rachmayanto Surjadi
<rachmayan...@sanatel.com> wrote:
> The question is how do we know that this hardware (motherboard, CPU) really 
> support Fedora version 18 or 19? We are looking at mobo from Asus or Intel or 
> Gigabyte, but did not find firm answer. We did not find the info from mobo 
> websites either.

Fedora 18 is EOLed so don't even think about starting there. If you
really want to use Fedora you need to be comfortable with upgrading at
least once a year. Note that F19 will be EOLed when F21 comes out in a
few months. Centos might be a better option.

A good way to test hardware compatibility is to try one of the Live
versions booted from CD. They are very much desktop-oriented though.

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