On 05.01.2014 02:37, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
On Sat, 04 Jan 2014 21:09:56 +0100
Rafnews <raf.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
i replace the rhgb quiet by nomodeset and all the booting steps were
and the virtual machine shutdown automatically :(

the second time i changed the rhgb quiet by nomodeset i got the
following error message: http://prntscr.com/2gip8o
Getting stuck at "wait for phymouth boot screen to quit" is symptomatic
of X failing to start. If you are trying to run Gnome3, it needs 3D
graphics support, which is always iffy in virtual machines. GDM is also
known for not quite shining in reliability...

Boot into init 3 (add 3 to the kernel line at boot), and see if you can
get successfully into the text console. Then take a look
at /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what happened in the last attempt to
start X.

It might be the wrong video drivers, presence of experimental 3D support
inside a virtual machine, or lack thereof, etc. Play with video
hardware settings of the guest system, force X to use vesa driver,
configure a non-Gnome3 DE and DM, etc.

HTH, :-)

Hi Marko,

yes i discovered that later on... anyway i still have the same issue with VM software tools.
as you can see on http://prntscr.com/2gohfl

Xorg.0.log is:

i don't find any problem there... :(

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