On Jan 4, 2014, at 12:54 PM, Rafnews <raf.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> no i didn't have any issue with this menu system-upgrade
> basically after upgrade i even access to grub2 menu and also i see the fedora 
> logo filling up from empty to white and at the end to shine and turn into 
> colored fedora logo… and next blank/black screen :(

OK a blank screen isn't useful information and no one can help. So what you 
have to do, is do things that cause information to be revealed to find out what 
the problem is. The first and easiest way to do that is at the grub menu, use e 
to edit the boot entry, scroll to the end of the linux line, remove 'rhgb 
quiet' and add 'nomodeset', without quotes, and then F10 to boot with those 
changes. Now report what you see.

Chris Murphy
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