On 04.01.2014 20:48, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Jan 4, 2014, at 9:42 AM, Rafnews <raf.n...@gmail.com> wrote:


after several days of testing upgrading Fedora 19 to fedora 20, i face the same 

whatever Virtual machine i use (Virtualbox or VMware Workstation) the result is 
always the same... after upgrading the virtual machine turns into a black/blank 
screen and nothing can be done.

it doesn't machine if i install or not virtualbox tools (or vmware toold) it's 
the same results.
Here are the basic features of my virtual machine
        • 1 CPU / 2cores,
        • 4GB RAM
        • 128MB Video

to reproduce the issue:
1. launch VMWare Workstation 10 and install Fedora 19 x64 from DVD iso
2. as root, do a yum update to be sure fedora 19 is up to date
3. do a yum install fedup (to get latest version of fedup)
4. do a snapshot for fallback in case of...be sure you will need it
5. do a fedup --network 20
6. reboot after upgrade
7. ==> after booting via grub2, your virtual machine with turn into a blank 
screen :(

the same issue with VirtualBox.
after that i tried yum install fedora-release fedora-update but i get the same 

So anybody has an idea what is the problem ?
There isn't enough information. At the grub menu try removing 'rhgb quiet' from the 
linux boot parameters, and replacing with 'nomodeset' and see if you can at least see 
some text. If not then the next step is you need to figure out how to access the 
console from your VM. If you were using qemu-kvm this is done via 'virsh console 
<vmname>' so it should be simple in VMWare to figure out. What's not as obvious 
is you need additional changes to the grub menu entry's linux boot parameters line:

rd.debug systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=console console=ttyS0,38400

So you can type that into grub, and then connect to console first, then F10 in 
grub to boot. You want to try to connect before booting so that the console 
captures from the start of booting.

Chris Murphy

so here is the result...
i replace the rhgb quiet by nomodeset and all the booting steps were displayed.
and the virtual machine shutdown automatically :(

the second time i changed the rhgb quiet by nomodeset i got the following error message: http://prntscr.com/2gip8o

so some issue with vmware software, but what is weird, it's that no vmware tools is installed :(
at least not by me


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