On Jan 4, 2014, at 1:09 PM, Rafnews <raf.n...@gmail.com> wrote:
> so here is the result...
> i replace the rhgb quiet by nomodeset and all the booting steps were 
> displayed.
> and the virtual machine shutdown automatically :(

> the second time i changed the rhgb quiet by nomodeset i got the following 
> error message: http://prntscr.com/2gip8o
> so some issue with vmware software, but what is weird, it's that no vmware 
> tools is installed :(
> at least not by me

There are some included in Fedora for VMware support I think. You might check 
in VMware support forums and see if others have reported this and with work 
around. It kinda sounds like there's something in F20 updates right now that's 
causing a problem.

To increase the verbosity of the console output, you can boot with parameter 
systemd.log_level=debug but it is a lot more verbose. It might better indicate 
what the problem is though.

Chris Murphy
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