On 08/30/2012 09:48 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:

> Right now, both Thunderbird and Firefox do exactly that the first time you 
> run them after an update.  The problem is, how do you arrange to get that 
> done *before* the update is installed, and how do you deal with the needed 
> input from the user.  Remember, it's quite possible that this might be run 
> from a CLI with no GUI running.

And the update process is system-wide, while plugins are installed
by each user in his own home directory.

The truth is that applications which incorporate their "on my own" installation
and update system really suck as they try to steal yum its job.
(firefox, thunderbird, chrome, eclipse, ...)
They bring to Linux poor workarounds designed on operating system without
a serious package manager.

   Roberto Ragusa    mail at robertoragusa.it
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