Il giorno gio, 30/08/2012 alle 11.10 -0400, Nate Pearlstein ha scritto:
> Hi,
> So thunderbird 15 breaks the Exchange 2007/2010 Calendar and Tasks
> Provider 1.8.5 add on.  There isn't a newer version of the add-on available.

You can try modify (at your own risk) the version of exchange 20072010
calendar.xpi add on:

Download the current 1.8.5 addon from
Open it with xarchiver (or whatever you want), modify the line
"<em:maxVersion>13.0a1</em:maxVersion>") into install.rdf file like this
"<em:maxVersion>15.0a1</em:maxVersion>", save the file and re-unzip the
add on.
Now you can uninstall old add on and install this new (fake) add on in
thunderbird 15.0 ... should work, maybe ... 

> I need to revert to tbird 14.  I can't seem to find an rpm or delta rpm
> of it anywhere.  The original f17 repo has tbird 12 and I can now only
> find tbird 15 or delta rpms from 12 to 15 or 14 to 15.
> Short of restoring from a backup or just using tbird 12, or just
> downloading the bits from mozilla, is there a way to pick up the rpm?

For come back to official old package you may run:
"sudo yum downgrade thunderbird*"

Or download v14 (i686 or x86_64) from :


Dario Lesca -
(Inviato dal mio Linux Fedora 17 Gnome3)

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