On 8/30/2012 14:58, David wrote:
> On 8/30/2012 2:29 PM, Don Levey wrote:
>> On 8/30/2012 11:10, Nate Pearlstein wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> So thunderbird 15 breaks the Exchange 2007/2010 Calendar and Tasks
>>> Provider 1.8.5 add on.  There isn't a newer version of the add-on
>>> available.
>> Wouldn't it be nice if the installation routine checked for add-on
>> incompatibilities *before* it actually installed the new version?
>>   -Don
> Why would you expect Mozilla to check each and every one of thousands of
> extensions, written by other developers, to be compatible with an
> updated Thunderbird. Especially when that update also provides security
> patches?
> I would think that the *user* should be responsible to check that. That
> way the *user* would know that this extension still works when mixed in
> with all of the other extensions that this *user* has installed. A
> compilation that might be unique. A 'one of a kind' combination.
Because they do it *after* installation.  Why not do it before
installation instead?  I'm not talking about random extensions that are
created off in some backwater corner of the internet.  I'm talking about
extensions registered with the Mozilla project, downloaded and installed
from there.
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