On 06/28/2012 02:06 AM, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 06/28/2012 02:02 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
On 06/28/2012 01:27 PM, Jatin K wrote:
well..... suppose I've 5 clients in my office ( say A,B, C, D, E ) and a linux 
which is working as a router ( gateway ), I want  to allow only 4 concurrent 
pcs to
access the Internet, say if A,B,C,D is using internet then fifth client E can 
access the internet until any of previous connected clients ( A,B,C, or D) gets
disconnected/session ended
Define "access internet".....

Do you mean *all* protocols?  So, you want to stop a 5th system from browsing, 
ssh, ntp, pop, imap, etc?  So, if A, B, C, and D are using these 
can happen without direct user input (pop/imap polls, facebook and rss feed 
etc.)  you want to block E for an indeterminate amount of time?


I think you need to state the problem you are trying to solve....not ask for a
solution which really sounds wrong headed.

You do realize that the users being barred access will be getting "timeout" 
and such on their browsers and they a very likely to be quite irritated in 
short order.

Funnily enough, I once worked in a company that did something "like" this, it was a sort of "network provisioning / monitoring / bandwidth & time allotment" thingie. It was strictly for the guys in the Mailroom and the Storage Room.....apparently they were surfing porn and AOL-ing all day, so the network admins had set it up where the connection would only run be "live" for a certain amount of time between the two of them, there were a total of 4 machines two guys in the mail room and 2 in the storage room. When BOTH machines in the mail room were active, the ones in the storage room were "dead" until at least ONE of the machines in the mail room went dead,...don't ask me how they did it......but it worked......at least until the company went under!....LoL!

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