On 06/28/2012 02:27 PM, Jatin K wrote:
> yes, its my client's requirement ......  I can understand its not the way to 
> go
> .... but he pays me for this ... I'm a service provider .. I have to do what 
> they
> said and want to do
>> I think you need to state the problem you are trying to solve....not ask for 
>> a
>> solution which really sounds wrong headed.
> how can you prove its wrong ... they need this kind of configurations, and my 
> duty
> is to provide the solutions what they need if its possible....
>     I don't know the solution/configuration requirement to fulfill their 
> desire,
> thats why I'm asking the solutions to this list where so many experts like 
> you are
> available. If this is wrong then I'm really sorry 

Find the appropriate 3-panel from Dilbert and hand it to the PHB.    He is 
asking you
to implement a solution for which he can't conceive of solving a problem 
better, that
hasn't been defined...at least not here.

I've walked away from more than one project where the "solutions" was worse 
than the

A "primitive"  implementation would be to force users to connect to the 
"gateway" via
pptp and limit the number of concurrent logins.  You'd end up with the same
problem.... Either you'd have users logged in and staying logged in 
you'd have to force disconnects....

If I were a user paying to use your client's service I'd walk away very quickly.

Good luck.

Never be afraid to laugh at yourself, after all, you could be missing out on 
the joke
of the century. -- Dame Edna Everage
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