On 06/28/2012 02:02 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
> On 06/28/2012 01:27 PM, Jatin K wrote:
>> well..... suppose I've 5 clients in my office ( say A,B, C, D, E ) and a 
>> linux box
>> which is working as a router ( gateway ), I want  to allow only 4 concurrent 
>> pcs to
>> access the Internet, say if A,B,C,D is using internet then fifth client E 
>> can not
>> access the internet until any of previous connected clients ( A,B,C, or D) 
>> gets
>> disconnected/session ended 
> Define "access internet".....
> Do you mean *all* protocols?  So, you want to stop a 5th system from 
> browsing, ftp,
> ssh, ntp, pop, imap, etc?  So, if A, B, C, and D are using these 
> protocols...which
> can happen without direct user input (pop/imap polls, facebook and rss feed 
> updates,
> etc.)  you want to block E for an indeterminate amount of time?
> Seriously?
> I think you need to state the problem you are trying to solve....not ask for a
> solution which really sounds wrong headed.

You do realize that the users being barred access will be getting "timeout" 
and such on their browsers and they a very likely to be quite irritated in 
short order.

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of the century. -- Dame Edna Everage
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