Am 28.01.2012 06:11, schrieb Kaushik Guha:
> I did uncheck/disable the Fedora "Rawhide" repos

why were they enabled?
this is a road to hell!

> What about the "ATrpms" repositories? I've disabled it
> earlier...should I enable it?

only if you want to kill yur system over the long

ATrpms is known to replace base-packages with own versions
and sometimes other packaging (sub-packages) as the original
one and sooner or later this will end in massive depsolv
troubles - the only good at ATrpms is that after some time
if you want get rid of the troubles you are learning
how to deal with "rpm -e --nodpes" and what packages
you must not remove and after all that you know all
core packages by her first name (i was there years ago)

you should avoid to enable as much repos as you can find
in case of repos "more helps more" is totally wrong

your current problems are coming from enable things you
are not knowing what they are (rawhide as best example)

rawhide is the devel-tree and currently F17 and was
never designed for machines which should work all the time

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