On 01/27/2012 09:56 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 27.01.2012 16:15, schrieb Kevin Martin:
>> On 01/27/2012 08:51 AM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>>> Am 27.01.2012 15:34, schrieb Kaushik Guha:
>>>> Dear Friends,
>>>> While upgrading through "Yumex" ,everything is running well,except a 
>>>> problem is 
>>>> occurring while upgrading packages.
>>>> 19:46:52 : YUM: warning: rpmts_HdrFromFdno: Header V3 RSA/SHA256 
>>>> Signature, key ID 8296fa0f: NOKEY
>>>> /19:46:52 : ERROR: Error in yum Transaction : Public key for 
>>>> npapi-vlc-1.2.0-0.3gitf568362.fc17.x86_64.rpm is not
>>>> installed/
>>>> How to rectify the error in yum Transaction,on the last line.Please Help 
>>>> me.
>>> this package must not be in the F16 repo and i guess this is already fixed
>>> throw away yumex and type "yum cleanall && yum upgrade" in a root-shell if
>>> you do not want to wait
>> Install the public key or turn on "no GPG check" under options in Yumex.
>> Kevin
> why in the world do you give such TOTALLY WRONG advises
> after a correct answer?
> a) .fc17 is not intented to be for F16
> b) "noGPG check" generally to set is a dumb action
Hmm, interesting question.

  I'm guessing, based on what's missing in his yumex output (you did notice 
that he had trimmed some stuff out of the middle, right)
that he has libvlc installed and has, at some point in the past, installed the 
npapi-vlc plugin for libvlc rpm and, perhaps, we're
not seeing an update request for libvlc (due to his trimming the output) which 
may also require, possibly, an update for npapi-vlc. 
He does have rpmfusion-free-rawhide-source as one of his active repositories, 
which is where the source for npapi-vlc comes from. 

So no, it's *not* in the F16 repo and perhaps no, it's not already fixed since 
there's nothing to fix and perhaps he enjoys using
yumex so your asinine comment to "throw away yumex" doesn't help matters at all 
and yes, you are correct that .fc17 is not
"intented" (intended, BTW) to be for F16 but, be that as it may, it still was 
picked up, probably as a result of some dependency
checking that was done. 

Oh, and by the way, it's "advice", not advises, and your "correct answer" was 
not necessarily correct at all, just your shooting
your mouth off without doing any actual research as to what may have occurred.  
If you can't offer semi-knowledgeable advice, don't
attack people who do.

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