On 7/3/2011 6:43 PM, 夜神 岩男 wrote:
> [...]
> Fedora doesn't care if you have a UID much
> higher than 500, but Debian does care if your UID is lower than 1000 (in
> fact, the man page for "useradd" on Fedora even says that 1000 is the
> standard, Fedora just doesn't actually follow that).
[scratching head in bewilderment ...]

This seems like at least a documentation bug as the headache of a change 
between versions sounds too grim

You suggest using useradd with explicit number rather than default or 
the gui. How does one get around the initial user that the Fedora 
install packages needs created? Or does one create a scratch there, use 
useradd for a real user, and delete the scratch?

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