?? ?? wrote:

> Every time
> you create a user on any system, specify the UID & GID explicitly, and
> always use UIDs/GIDs <= 1000. Fedora doesn't care if you have a UID much
> higher than 500, but Debian does care if your UID is lower than 1000 (in
> fact, the man page for "useradd" on Fedora even says that 1000 is the
> standard, Fedora just doesn't actually follow that).
> So an example for me could be:
> useradd -u 1001 -g 1001 i-yagami
> So long as I use that same command to add myself to every system, no
> conflicts occur anywhere. On the other hand, if I add a new system and
> just enter "useradd i-yagami" (or use a GUI tool to add a user without
> declaring the uid/gid manually) then the account will either have a uid
> and gid of 1000 or 500, but either way my real /home/i-yagami folder
> will not be the place my new, mistaken home gets created and the
> permissions of the real home folder from within the new system will
> simply say 1001:1001.

This is well put :-) I believe you meant to say that you always choose 
UIDs/GIDs >= 1000.

I thought of changing my already existing Fedora UID:GID to 1000, but it was 
too much trouble, since I rarely spend more that a few logins in other 
systems, just to have a look, when some cool new feature hasn't yet hit 
Fedora. This happens rarely in the last couple of years, with Fedora having 
taken the lead. 1000:1000 would solve everything.

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