On 03/07/2011 20:01, JD wrote:
> On 07/03/2011 10:55 AM, Petrus de Calguarium wrote:
>> Johan Scheepers wrote:
>>> I have a multiple boot internal drive (different linux
>>> flavors)(excluding windows).
>>> Have a external usb drive for backup between these different systems.
>>> Now booting in a different flavor the permissions change to numbers.
>>> My normal permission is johan johan. I am the only user at home.
>> I had that, too, a long time ago. It came from experimenting with Debian,
>> Ubunto and others and using the same username on those other non-Fedora
>> systems. What I did was not really a solution. Since I am a confirmed
>> Fedoristo, I simply do not mount my home/Documents partition to alien 
>> systems.
> Johan,
> can you check /etc/passwd to see if the number of your uid belongs to
> user johan
> and check /etc/group to see if there is a group named johan and what
> it's gid is?
Machine one..johan 1000:1000
Machine two ..johan 500:500
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