On 7/3/2011 9:19 PM, JD wrote:
> On 07/03/2011 09:09 PM, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
>> On 7/3/2011 8:59 PM, JD wrote:
>>> How about just modifying the user's uid gid (while su'ed to root):
>>> usermod -u NEW-UID -g NEW-GID LoginName
>>> chown -R NEW-UID.NEW-GID ~LoginName
>>> exit su shell
>>> Log out
>>> and log back in.
>> I was assuming that uid shouldn't be changed once committed to a user
>> (this was from 1980's and may be incorrect now ... or even back then but
>> I didn't know it)?
> Yes you can change UID and GID.
> I was stating it within the context of
> user has just installed Linux, and just logged in
> for the first time. This would be the time to
> open a terminal (gnome terminal), and su to
> root and runt the command.
> You can actually do it at any time, but I thought
> that you would want the UID and GID to match
> your other linux distro, so at first login would be
> a good time to do it.
Yes, intent would be to do it immediately after install with first 
login. I asked the question outside of that context as I wanted to be 
clear on changing UID and GID anytime

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