On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 09:56:40PM +0900, 夜神 岩男 wrote:
> > But does Fedora 15 "require high end hardware"? No, it doesn't. You can
> > run other desktops, such as XFCE (which you mention as well), and still
> > run all of the same apps.
> > 
> > So while Gnome 3 may require better video hardware than was available on
> > an eight year old machine, that doesn't mean Fedora 15 itself requires
> > that better hardware.
> True. I was arguing against the general principle of the first statement
> above which made it seem that "since Microsoft forces the average home
> and business user to buy high-end hardware that it makes it OK for a
> Linux distribution to as well" if the user wants to install the default
> desktop.

I'm sorry if I gave the impression that the above was my position. My
position was more to the point of "Windows requires you upgrade to the
_latest_ video hardware to use their platform: Fedora is only asking you
to have something built within the past 4-6 years." ;)

> My position is that high-end desktops are definitely worth exploring,
> but not as a default -- not just yet anyway. In Fedora's case this point
> is a bit blunted by the fact that the platform itself is purposed toward
> development and testing, and messiness is a big part of that (well, all
> the fun anyway!). What better way to find out exactly what isn't working
> on what hardware than to release to tens of thousands of daily users
> through the Fedora? In other words, screwups in Fedora and unanticipated
> outcomes are the norm -- which serves to permit concrete anticipation
> and aversion of problems in production releases such as RHEL.
> My worry is the sort of thinking that pushing high-end defaults
> encourages, and I fear that it will seep too soon into other areas --
> which is already happening to some degree.

I think here we have part of the confusion: Fedora is _not_ requiring
"high-end defaults" with the Gnome 3 shift. You can run Gnome 3 with
older (but not antiquated) video hardware just fine, or without the
acceleration on other video chipsets.

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
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