On 06/22/2011 02:57 PM, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> On 06/22/2011 07:22 PM, Bryn M. Reeves wrote:
>> There are still cases where it would be useful to install an up-to-date 
>> general
>> purpose distribution on hardware that would be deemed "underpowered" by this
>> definition (some of the cute little atom and other bittyboxes for e.g).
>> I understand that there are compromises to be made but I do think it's
>> unfortunate if the installer will not function on this hardware. Post install
>> you pays your money and takes your choice but if the distribution will not 
>> even
>> install you are kinda hosed from the start.
> There are other ways to install Fedora and to be clear, this is a
> temporary problem.  Anaconda team already has patches to bring it down
> again which didn't get merged for Fedora 15 because the problem was
> discovered late in the release cycle.  I am sure they would welcome any help

That's good to hear - I kinda assumed that this would only affect the graphical
installer (I tend to kickstart all my smaller boxes anyway since they are either
awkward to use with a display or only reachable over the network) and that this
would again be a temporary situation (it's certainly not the first time the
Fedora GUI installation memory requirements have shot up briefly before being
brought back down again). Thanks for the information.

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