Am 22.06.2011 14:09, schrieb Darryl L. Pierce:
> But does Fedora 15 "require high end hardware"? No, it doesn't. You can
> run other desktops, such as XFCE (which you mention as well), and still
> run all of the same apps.

to believe you can force users permanently switch their Desktop Environment
without lose them for the whole platform is very naive!

> So while Gnome 3 may require better video hardware than was available on
> an eight year old machine, that doesn't mean Fedora 15 itself requires
> that better hardware

as said above:

you can not expect that users over the long accept that their workspace is 
changed because they run their desktop to work with it and not only for plaing 
with the
system as some geeks do

and yes i am one of the geeks playing often with their system, but on invasive 
even for me is the fun really fast over!

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