On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 02:16:51PM +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 22.06.2011 14:09, schrieb Darryl L. Pierce:
> > But does Fedora 15 "require high end hardware"? No, it doesn't. You can
> > run other desktops, such as XFCE (which you mention as well), and still
> > run all of the same apps.
> to believe you can force users permanently switch their Desktop Environment
> without lose them for the whole platform is very naive!

I never said that we wouldn't lose users over the switch. You'll
_ALWAYS_ have people who will jump ship if you rock the boat even a

What I said is that Fedora 15 does not LOCK THEM OUT of using Fedora.
They can 1) use their old video hardware with Gnome 3 (and let it fall
back to working like Gnome 2), they can 2) use a similar desktop (Xfce)
and still use all of the same apps or 3) they can upgrade their video
hardware to something minimally more recent than what they have (since
Gnome 3 will work with hardware produced within the last 4 years or so).


> and yes i am one of the geeks playing often with their system, but on 
> invasive changes
> even for me is the fun really fast over!

For someone that conservative about their desktop I don't image they
would be taking on an upgrade like this since it _does_ change some

It's equally (or even moreso) unreasonable to expect everybody to be
held back on innovation by those few who can't (or won't) upgrade.

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
Delivering value year after year.
Red Hat ranks #1 in value among software vendors.

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