On 7/23/23 12:58, George N. White III wrote:

On Sun, Jul 23, 2023 at 12:20 PM Montague Bestes via users <users@lists.fedoraproject.org <mailto:users@lists.fedoraproject.org>> wrote:

    I do stupid stuff once in awhile too, lol. Nice to be able to laugh
    about it.
    Watch out with vacuuming the motherboard though; I sucked up a few
    jumpers once doing that.

Static electricity can also be a problem using vacuums instead of canned air.  For extreme situations I have used copper mesh with a ground wire over the vacuum inlet.  That would filter out jumpers, but then you have to figure out where they came from, so take photos and make notes before attempting.

I use canned air.  And I take my customer's computers
outside t blow them out.  I tell my married lady
customers, it proves I am married.  Single guys
would do it in the house.  The look of approval on
the ladies' faces is priceless!


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