On 03/16/18 16:06, François Patte wrote:
> Le 15/03/2018 à 22:05, stan a écrit :
>> On Thu, 15 Mar 2018 11:03:32 +0100
>> François Patte <francois.pa...@mi.parisdescartes.fr> wrote:
>>>> After 3, when sound is working, open pavucontrol, go to the output
>>>> devices tab, and click the green checkmark on the device that you
>>>> want pulseaudio to start with.  
>>> That is what I do evetime I lo-in but this does not survive to a
>>> log-out....
>> That should take effect immediately, and pulse should store it
>> immediately.  Something is wrong in the configuration of your system.
>> Is there anything in the logs about pulse or alsa failures after you
>> set your system up the way you want? 
> journactl -u pulseaudio (or alsa*) returns nothing

pulseaudio is not a systemd unit.  It is started by the desktop based on

So, you can use something like....

journalctl -b -0 | grep pulseaudio

Conjecture is just a conclusion based on incomplete information. It isn't a 

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