On Mon, 17 Aug 2015, Daniel J Walsh wrote:

> docker-1.8.1 (docker-engine) should be out soon.  I believe lokesh is
> working on packaging up the other docker content for Fedora.
> I am not a big fan of changing the name of docker to docker-engine at
> this time. (We just changed it from docker-io to docker, and would
> probably have to alias it anyways.)
> Lokesh can you add a provides docker-engine to docker package.
> Looks like docker-1.8.1-1.git9281dc3.fc22 is in updates-testing?

  it is? i have updates-testing repo enabled on my f22 system, and i'm
not seeing it. is there a trick to this?



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

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