On Sat, 15 Aug 2015, Kenneth Wolcott wrote:

> I have a related question about Fedora docker packages.  There seems
> to be a docker-engine at version 1.8.1 and docker at version 1.7.1.
> I'd like to have docker AND docker engine at the same version,
> preferably at 1.8.1.  I don't mind having to get docker-compose and
> docker-machine via the docker website directly, but it would also be
> nice to get them via the normal Fedora repositories.  Even though
> docker-machine appears to be broken for all Linux distributions that
> I've tried when running with a local vm (VirtualBox) rather than a
> cloud (AWS).  docker-swarm is still considered beta, so I could see
> why that might not be provided via a Fedora repository.

  two more questions, first a quick one -- is there a timeframe for an
official fedora package release of docker 1.8? (or, if rumours are
true, the rebranded docker-engine 1.8?) more generally, is there
somewhere one can watch the progress of packages through their
upgrading lifecycle to know what to expect?

  and, second, as i mentioned earlier, i was curious as to when one
could expect a "docker-compose" fedora package (and other
docker-related orchestration packages), and i ran across this:


so that shows pretty clearly that the current "fig" package is
destined(?) for renaming, but that was back in april -- whatever
happened to that?

  more interestingly, i just discovered that docker-compose is
available as a python pip package for fedora:

$ pip show docker-compose
Metadata-Version: 2.0
Name: docker-compose
Version: 1.4.0
Summary: Multi-container orchestration for Docker
Home-page: https://www.docker.com/
Author: Docker, Inc.
Author-email: UNKNOWN
License: Apache License 2.0
Location: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages
Requires: docker-py, six, websocket-client, PyYAML, dockerpty,
texttable, requests, docopt

but it looks pretty old. and if one does a "pip search docker", one
sees quite a number of docker-related pip packages ... is that an
alternative to rpm-based packaging that is going to be used for
package distribution?



Robert P. J. Day                                 Ottawa, Ontario, CANADA

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