On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 12:42:34 -0600,
  Linuxguy123 <linuxguy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-03-17 at 10:54 -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> > 
> > You can get hardware that will either talk to phones or the telco for
> > prices that are not cheap, but not out of line for a hobbiest. Unfortunately
> > the people that produce the most popular driver for such hardware refuse
> > to upstream their GPL code so that they can dual license it. So the code
> > isn't available in Fedora and using it from ATRPMS is dicey if you like to
> > track recent kernels or rawhide.
> Tell me more about this, please.

I have a tdm400p that has modules to support analog 3 phones and 1 POTS line.
It cost around $400 (with the modules). It is analog. If you get a voice T1
you can get digital hardware that is better for talking to the phone company.

There are other companies that make inexpensive (relative to what such
hardware used to cost) telephony hardware, but I haven't seen any that
have drivers upstreamed.

In the past you used to be able to support a POTS connection with a much
cheaper modem card (around $10). They didn't work as well. Digium stopped
making them and I am not sure if Dahdi supports those devices any more.

Currently I rebuild Dahdi everytime I update my kernel. Sometimes there
are kernel changes that break the driver and you need to wait for a fix
in Digium's tree. It worked all through the 2.6.33 development though.
If you have a box dedicated to telephony, then that shouldn't be a problem
as you can synchronize your updates with ATRPMs.
> Does SIPWitch handle voicemail ? Will SIPWitch send an email to a user
> when it receives a voicemail ?

I am not sure of what it's capabilities are. I briefly looked at descriptions
of it and it seems more limited than Asterisk or Callweaver.
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