On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 19:37 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 13:46 -0600, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> > On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 14:30 -0430, Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
> > > On Tue, 2010-03-16 at 11:19 -0600, Linuxguy123 wrote:
> > > > Could someone explain to me in plain english what SIP Witch does wrt
> > > > to Skype ?
> > > 
> > > Skype doesn't use SIP as it has its own proprietary protocol, so I
> > > wouldn't imagine it does anything.
> > 
> > Thus my question.  The web page states this:
> > =========================================================================
> > This feature enables an entirely free software alternative to Skype
> > using standard IETF protocols along with support for direct peer-to-peer
> > secure communications such as possible with ZRTP capable softphones and
> > without need for a mitigating "service provider"
> > =========================================================================
> "Alternative to Skype" means just that. It doesn't mean "Skype".
> > Is SIP Witch a Skype server ?  Ie can Skype phones connect to it and
> > then it makes a SIP connection on there behalf ?
> No, there are no Skype servers except those that belong to the Skype
> company.
> > Or do they mean it replaces Skype as a way to make a call using VOIP ?
> Once again, Skype *does not use SIP*. You can have a VOIP service using
> SIP, or you can use Skype. The two do not interoperate. They are not
> compatible in any way. Some phones may be able to talk both, but that's
> a different matter.


So SIP Witch is a SIP server, meaning that I could get a SIP capable
phone, set up SIP Witch with a POTS connection and connect my phone
through SIP Witch to the phone system ?

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